| MOBILE: 0862336680

Customer Testimonials


MOBILE: 0862336680




Why Choose Us?

  • 15 Years Experience
  • Commercial and Residential
  • Experts in Energy Management
  • SEAI registered and Fully insured
  • Professional and Reliable Service Guaranteed

Concave Energy - BER Certificates Airtightness Testing Energy Management Ireland

Concave Energy Ireland have years of experience as energy consultants. Concave Energy provide a fast an professional service to homes and businesses in Munster and Leinster.

Building Energy Rating(BER)Certs

A Building Energy Rate (BER) is an indication of the energy performance of a dwelling. A BER certificate is accompanied by an Advisory Report, which identifies how you might improve the energy performance of your home.


Energy Management

Our staff are qualified on Energy management

Read more about our Energy Management Service

Concave Energy Ireland is fully SEAI compliant and fully insured. Contact us today to arrange your service