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  • Looking for a BER Rating in Kerry?

BER for Residential Buildings Kerry

Concave Energy provide BER Energy Ratings for Residential Homes in Kerry.

We visit your home and compete a full energy audit which can be used for compliance, sales and for Grant Applications e.g the recent Air-Water Grant application.

A Building Energy Rate (BER) is an indication of the energy performance of a dwelling. A BER certificate is accompanied by an Advisory Report, which identifies how you might improve the energy performance of your home.

A BER is the calculated energy use for space and hot water heating, ventilation and lighting etc based on construction components and on standard occupancy. The certificate is an A to G rated scale, A-rated homes being the most energy efficient.

The BER is compulsory for all homes offered for sale / rent and required before a new home is occupied for the first time.

Advertisements must include BER details when a home is offered for sale or rent. Documents are valid for 10 years.

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Building Energy Rating (BER) Residential and Commercial