| MOBILE: 0862336680

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MOBILE: 0862336680



Building Energy Rating (BER) Residential and Commercial

Residential BER

A Building Energy Rate (BER) is an indication of the energy performance of a dwelling. A BER certificate is accompanied by an Advisory Report, which identifies how you might improve the energy performance of your home.

A BER is the calculated energy use for space and hot water heating, ventilation and lighting etc based on construction components and on standard occupancy. The certificate is an A to G rated scale, A-rated homes being the most energy efficient.

The BER is compulsory for all homes offered for sale / rent and required before a new home is occupied for the first time.

Advertisements must include BER details when a home is offered for sale or rent. Documents are valid for 10 years.


  • National Monuments

  • Protected Structures

  • Buildings used as places of worship

  • Certain Agricultural & Industrial buildings

  • Standalone buildings < 50m2


The regulations apply to new non-domestic buildings for which planning permission was applied for on or after 1st July 2008 and existing buildings (dwellings and other), when offered for sale or rent on or after 1st January 2009.

Transitional BER exemptions do apply to new non-domestic buildings for which planning permission was applied for on or before 30th June 2008; provided, the new non-domestic buildings involved were substantially completed by 30th June 2010.

Provisional BER

A Provisional BER is carried out prior to the commencement of construction of a dwelling. The provisional BER is based on the plans and specifications for the intended dwelling.

It’s main functions are to show how a house will comply with building regulations and the likely rate the dwelling is to achieve. It sets out exactly how the dwelling is to be constructed in areas such as design, heating systems, insulation levels, junction details, etc.

A provisional cert; will generally be requested by your Local Authority, once the commencement notice has been lodged to the planning department; or by the builders/architect as an indicator of the projected rate. It is required where new homes are sold off plan prior to the completion of the dwelling. The provisional certificate lapses on completion of the dwelling or after 24 months, and must be replaced by a Final BER.  

BER Assessments